Thursday, August 19, 2010


I had a great conversation with a woman at an art show, and what I found with her and many of the people that enjoy my work that it also has a nostalgia of childhood, which is where my passion for the subject of animals began as well. We conversed on how there used to be more animals in our rural areas, which is sad but true... and she also said something that touched me very much, she said that my art may become a historical record one day of what was... I hope that's not true, but it added even more responsibility to my painting. What if that really does become the case? I treasure my encounters with animals all the more as I get older.

The photos here are of a special encounter I had with wild dolphins off the Florida coast, they were curious about me, I wonder if they could tell how exciting this experience was for me, I'll never forget it ... I have been thinking of them often this summer and wonder how they are doing.

Dolphin photos © Beatrice Bork

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