Monday, August 17, 2015


After the disappointment of our "Art Melange" show being canceled, I've refocused and have been busy getting paintings ready for "Watermarks" a show that opens September 10 at Artists' Gallery in Lambertville. This will be the first showing for quite a bit of new work which I'm looking forward to showing.

I've also shipped two paintings to two different international juried shows which I'm proud of, one for the Artists for Conservation exhibit in Vancouver Canada ("Twist")— the other for the Society of Animal Artists in Jamestown NY ("Through the Shoals").

Beyond that I'm participating in the New Hope Arts member show in New Hope PA, starting August 22nd. A small group exhibit at Princeton Brain Spine, in Princeton, NJ, as well as giving a workshop in October. Then getting ready for the Artists' Gallery Winter exhibit! I have to say I love being this busy and involved with all these wonderful activities. I hope to see you at one or more of these venues. I will be posting more images and information on these and other events soon!

Please see my schedule for details: Beatrice Bork Website Schedule

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